Friday, October 15, 2010

For the Other Design Nerds...

I saw these over on How About Orange. If I owned a design studio, these would be my conference room chairs for sure.
And these would be our coffee mugs:
And this is how I'd get there:
And this would be our christmas wreth:
And these would be the luggage tags:

To take on our trip to the Pantone Hotel:
And the boys could wear these cuff links (i wish they'd make earing like these..._:
And match their iPhone covers:

and I'm seriously thinking about changing my credit card to Visa so I can get one of these:

(most of these pics were found on If It's Hip it's Here)


  1. a wreath of paint swatches... LOVE IT! We could make that - easy peasy!

  2. Hey, LOVE all of these. Esp the folding chairs. SO cute.
    So I have a few more photography questions for ya. I sent you a friend request on Facebook, so hopefully we can connect. Also my email address is
    You are inspiring me to work on my photography... loving looking at your stuff!

