- Be better about writing Thank You notes. Typically in the past I've been a champion at this (example: we had all of our thank you notes written and mailed with in 2 weeks of our wedding. Boo-yah!). But the past year or two I've kind of let myself slide.
- Take more everyday pictures. Sometimes I feel like because I am a photographer, every photo I shoot has to be, well, professional. So, I think that because of that I miss out of actually taking photos and sharing them because I feel pressure that if I share them, they have to be beautiful, perfectly exposed and watermarked. But I know how much I love and enjoy going through old photos of my parents and grandparents, and maybe someday someone will want to see some of Ryan and I.
- Take my camera with me more often on a day to day basis. This kind of goes hand in hand with taking more everyday photos.
- Make a wedding album for our wedding. I know, it's been almost 4 years, don't judge me.
- And this is going to be the biggie that I'm not so sure about considering the past few weeks-- I want to post at least 3 times a week. eeeek! So that means stay tuned, I will have to post one more time today....
Anyway, anyone else make New Year Promises?
No New Year's promises/resolutions at our house. I gave those up for Lent years ago and never readopted the practice.