Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Success. What does it really mean? 

I've been thinking a lot about what it means lately. Manly I think because I it is something that I seek. I want to look back at my life and feel like it was successful. 

Life in the Fair household has been a bit on the crazy side, Weddings and photoshoots on the weekends, full time jobs during the week, and then hours of editing on weeknights. Occasionally I have to actually schedule time off for us. Mark a big X on the calendar so that I don't schedule something.

Because of the way my mind works, I automatically link my success to weather of not I do my job well. And I have high standards. I can not think of a photo shoot or design item I've done that after I felt completely satisfied, I want to strive to do more/better/greater/more creative. But that's a whole other issue. But what I mean by that, I get very focused on doing those things well, that I fear that I will let things in my personal life slip. Things that I feel are important to be successful at. Like my marriage, friendships, sleeping...

So to be better at these things, I think it means cutting or consolidating some things so that I have more time to be successful at things like being a good wife/friend/sister/daughter. 

And if you haven't figured it out by my lack of posts the past few months, the personal blog is something that I've decided that I can no longer be successful at, so I've decided to go down to just one blog. The one that is attached to my photography website, www.elyfairphotos.com/blog. I'm going to try to keep up with some personal stuff on there, too.

I know this all sounds so melodramatic, like I'm dropping off the face of the earth. I think I just needed there to be a little closure and finality. I hope that you will stick with me and continue to follow me on the Pro-personal blog.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Giveaway on the Pro Blog!

Hello Friends!

I know a lot of you are cross over readers to my pro blog, but I wanted to let everyone know we are running a contest for a free mini session and canvas on the pro blog! Go check it out and maybe WIN! xoxoely

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I was thinking today about how blessed I am to have some really special people in my life. Friends and family who are there in the thick and thin. Who are genuine and transparent. Who encourage me in my endeavors with out selfish motive or jealousy. Who help me to become who I am supposed to be.

I appreciate them. And it reminds me of all of the things that I appreciate in life and in others that make me want to be a better person. Such as...

-Original thought
-A clean house
-a pup who is always happy to see me
-a husband who is always happy to see me
-a hug on a bad day
-self awareness
-RAIN (some would be appreciated anytime soon!)
-a warm place to live
-food to share
-morning pedicures with friends
-the pursuit of knowledge
-the realization that I don't know everything
-an inquisitive mind
-soft colors
-delicate flowers
-my family
-friends like those I've listed above

I think think things have just been a little crazy busy lately, and I didn't even realize how much pressure I have been feeling. So when I got home, even thought I had a long list of things I wanted to accomplish before my head hit the pillow, I just sat down and caught up on a couple of episodes of Parenthood. It was the perfect medicine to relax, and watch a show that I could cry at. And I was alone, so I just let it all out. And I'm feeling like I can appreciate what is around me even a little bit more now.

And because you know I hate to blog with out a photo...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pete is WIDE.

Wide angled lens that is. We rented a wide angle for the wedding we shot this weekend, so I wanted to have some fun with Pete before we sent it back. You asked for Pete, now you're getting lots of him!
Yawning, not biting. No worries
I sure do like this little guy.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pete and tricks for shooting in sunlight

So, I've had a couple people point out that I haven't taken a lot of pictures of Pete lately. Mainly because he's been kind of sickly. He had some tummy problems last month, and then got F-I-X-E-D, and had some complications and had to wear the cone of shame for 2 weeks. So he has had it kind of rough.

But, as I mentioned on my pro-blog, I had to order a replacement lens because the motor in one of our old ones went out, so I figured he would be a good subject to test out. And as I was looking at the photos I took, I noticed that I had several different types of lighting situations in our back yard, and the different effects it gave.

And I have to note: this is big for me. I don't really love any of these pics, other than the fact that they are of sweet Pete. And I rarely show anything but my best pics, but I thought this was a good lesson.

So, first I was being lazy and just snapping a few to make sure it worked. So I was in bright, direct sun:
Yes, even Pete does not like direct sunlight. And usually whomever you are taking pictures of won't like it either. Not only is it pretty unflattering, its tough to keep you eyes open. Exhibit A above.

So, next I moved him to an area on the porch shaded by the house. Colors are more vibrant, and you get a much more even light.
Now, I've told Pete that he looks like a hyena when he holds his ears back like that. But apparently he doesn't trust me, so I took a photo to prove it to him.

Now, on a normal basis I would be happy with the pic above (minus the hyena-ness). But I couldn't get him to stay, so I had to move to plan C to get him to loosen up. His new favorite toy, basketball on a rope.

What I did for this photo was expose for his face-- meaning I changed the settings on my camera to make sure his face was correctly exposed. It blew out the background, which some photographers would say is a no-no, but it doesn't bother me. And I like the nice soft look it gives the picture.

That's all I've got kids. See you next time :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I saw these over on PoppyTalk, and I'm in awe. People's creativity just astounds me sometimes. The amount of patience and work that must have gone into these book covers, wow. Just wow.

The artist who creates them is named Jillian Tamaki, and she has some more view on her blog. She also made this fun monster quilt. I wish I were talented enough to sew, let alone make such imaginative creations!

So, that's my inspiration for the day :) xoely

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Rock

That's what I've been under. Well, actually, just a load of editing, but none the less.

Anyway, today at work I got to do some research on some type posters for an invitation that I'm working on. Typography in school was never my strong point, so I think that just intensifies my love to type and type treatments. These were some of my favorites that I saw/love/want to hang all around me.

The amount of time that went into this Cameron Moll piece is incredible. Even the little flying bird is two commas put together. I heard this designer speak last year at the How design conference, and the story of the creation is really cool. You should check out the website.

Love this Old Tom Foolery mustache poster.

Ork has a series of posters that include major cities and the local areas. I think it would be really cool to get one of each city you lived in.

And this one if for my sister in law who made this awesome pillow.

What inspires you that you want to fill your room with??

Monday, March 14, 2011

While He is Away

Um. So this is what happens when Ryan leaves for a couple of days:
1) I have dinner at 5:30
2) Shower and then proceed to stay in my pink fluffy robe for the rest of the night
3) Be really lazy. But when I DO do something, I reward myself. When I do the dishes I have some ice cream. When I feed Pete, I have some ice cream. And so on.
4) Watch unwholesome teeny-bopper showed on the CW.

Good thing he comes back tomorrow, I'm out of ice cream :)

I am thankful for:
1) rest
2) rain for our thirsty soil in Oklahoma
3) good photo shoots
4) Super sweet clients who won't let me leave their driveway with-out putting air in their tires
5) Cars with heaters

1) Meetings that help the day go faster (mind you, meetings are NOT something that I am normally thankful for)
2) friends who make me dinner that I eat at 5:30
3) nights in my fluffy pink robe
4) rewards for small things
5) Nights vegging on the couch
6) long phone calls from people I love

Here is a sweet pic that I took in Vegas. If you haven't seen them on the pro blog, you should check them out :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The past few days

My heart is so sad for Japan. The images that I've been seeing are breaking my heart. It's hard for me to function as a normal person. I feel like I should just have a day of mourning for everyone who lost their lives.

But even through all of the sadness that is happening, I, like I vowed for lent, will continue to be thankful. Here are my thankfuls for the past few days.

I am thankful

  1. I am thankful for winning free lunch at whole enchilada
  2. Sisters

I am thankful

  1. for friends who bring me cupcakes
  2. that at some point someone taught me to back up, back up, and back up my files. Since my computer crashed yesterday, I still can still and didn't use all my work.
  3.  for Warm days
I am thankful
  1. Days to rest.
  2. left over cupcakes
  3. friends who are willing to help me in a tight spot
  4. saturday morning cartoons :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today, I'm feeling defeated. I think it's most likely because I ate five chocolate chip cookies for dinner. 

Or because it is just one of those seasons of struggle. I know in my brain that I am so crazy blessed. But my heart feels unrested. And then I feel guilty because there are people out there who have true struggles- like how to put food on the table for their families. 

As I start these 40 days of lent, I want to try to be more positive. So everyday I am going to say something I am truly thankful for that day and build on it.

Today I am thankful for: a healthy pup. Pete is on meds and back to his sweet self.

Monday, March 7, 2011

My New Little Buddy

Fresh out of the oven, this is my new little buddy Tanner. My lovely sister had him this morning at 9:04am, 8lbs 12oz.
Welcome little man! You can't even imagine how loved you and your fat little cheeks already are.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Waiting for Superman

There are so many things that have been running through my brain lately.  I think this is probably one of my most personal train of thought posts that I've ever done. You'd think I have been hiding in a cave, though, barely any contact with the blog-o-world. But I've been working really hard implementing some of the thinks that I learned at my photography conference last week, and catching up at work.

One of the things that I've been thinking about was a documentary that Ryan and I watched this week, have any of you seen Waiting for Superman? It's been out for a while, we just got around to seeing it. It is about the state of the schools in America, and the decline of them.

They brought up some really interesting points about tenure, and the train of thought that bad communities create bad schools. But instead proposes that bad schools create bad communities.

There have been a lot of things lately that have been bothering me about the attitudes of our country. And with-out going all politio on you, I just feel like so many people have a sense of entitlement. I feel like so many people in my generation think they have a right to succeed with out the motivation to work hard.

Don't get me wrong, I believe in the idea that all people should have the equal opportunity to succeed. I believe that if Person A has the dedication and skill, there should not be anything that holds them back-- which is why we have scholarships and financial aid. But I also believe that person B doesn't deserve to have the same lot in life with-out the same amount of dedication and skill.

I know many people can look at me and say that I grew up privileged, and in a lot of ways I was given a better chance to succeed because I was blessed to grow up in a community and family that could provide me with good opportunities. I do see truth in that.

But I also see the truth in that our country was built on people who worked hard. Who knew the importance of education. Who sacrificed so much to have an education, and it was precious. And in many ways I feel like our country's growth has been stunted by the red tape of special interest groups.

I also know that there are people who don't have the same opportunities because of circumstances in their lives. In the documentary, there was a woman who understood the importance of education so deeply that even though she was a single mom living in a poor community, she was spending $500 a month to send her child to private school to get a good education. It's the stories like that that break my heart. I can not imagine the amount of sacrifice it must have took to write that check every month. That would be a huge sacrifice for Ryan and I, and there are two of us.

Anyway, all that to say, the movie really made me feel like there needs to be a change in our school system and society. Tenure, like many things, started out as a good school of thought. But has morphed into something that encourages mediocrity and stagnate ambition.

But overall, I think the heart of the issue is that we need parents and communities who care. I think that is where it all begins-- in the home.

Have y'all seen it? What are your thoughts?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

2920 Project

So for any of you who know me, I am so terrible at 365 projects. I’ve started two, finished none. But I completely admire this dude... he did a 2920 project where he took a photo of himself every day for 8 years! Kind of cool to get to see how he has changed!

I like his pirate phase, too.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Out and About

I'm out this week, in the most bazaar place I've ever been. Anyone recognize??

Friday, February 11, 2011

Selfish Post: Design in a Bag

Okay, I'm going to be honest here. Most of the time I blog selfishly. Because I want to remember things. I have a horribly terrible memory, and I like having archives of things and personal experiences available in one place for me.

So, this is a selfish post. Because I want to remember these because I think they're so cool, and perfect for the ridiculously visual person like me. Design in a Bag! The name dangerously reminds me of a certain SNL skit, but the idea I think is pretty brilliant. In their own words,  is an online design resource that takes the guesswork out of putting together a cohesive look for your kitchen project. We provide proven recipes to help create your ultimate kitchen. So, basically, you buy a sample bag that has a couple of different tile option, paint swatches, design ideas and a shopping list of where you can go to buy the stuff! Originally for kitchens, they also have bathroom bags. 

So, someday, if/when we ever redo our tiny little master bathroom, I want to buy this bag:
It's even called the FAIR oaks. It's a sure sign that it's meant for our bathroom.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ode to My Glee Pandora Station

An original composition by Stefanie Appleton & Ely Fair

oh glee Pandora station. you're so good to me
providing me your musical glories without a fee

How would I survive the long work day
without Finn and Rachel Berry singing my way?

Only with an occasional song by the original Queen
But throw in a Little Mermaid song to redeem

The perfect combination of emotional ballads and hip hop hits
Just like Brittany’s dance moves – too legit to quit

Your catchy tunes make me think I can sing
Until I’m brought back to reality by the sound of my squawking

Don’t even get me started on your awesome holiday songs
They make me wish it were Christmas, all year-long

When I need a mid-day pick stronger than a Cup of Joe
You’re my saving grace, I can feel your halo, halo, halo

Personally, I find Katy Perry’s music to be quite weak
But sing her songs on the show and I’m your biggest gleek.

Song from Kanye and Britney, Madonna and Sting
Oh Glee Pandora station, how you make my heart sing!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Editing Buddy

Today has be a lazy, photo editing kind of day. Me and my editing buddy spent some quality time together.
Yep, he even has his own chair. And he keeps a bone in the cup holder. And only distracts me every 30 seconds or so for some pets. And his doggy lips are funny. What a great editing buddy I have.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Days!

Here in the OKC we got a nice, thick blanket of snow. So the hubs and I have been doing all sorts of fun things-- like playing wii Mario Kart, watching movies, and TAXES. Ugh.

One of the nice things about snow is that it's a natural make-it-cold-fast for our fresh squeezed OJ.
And Pete gets snow mustaches.
But doesn't make for exciting blog posts. Hope you all stayed warm and safe!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Do you have yours?

Do you have you have your Keep It Local Card? I think that it's really important to support local business. Maybe it's because I'm a local business myself, but I really think it's because they have something to offer that no place else has.

Las night I was at Irma's Burgers (mmmmm, onion rings), and I was happy to get my Keep It Local card! It was just $10 that goes to support local businesses, and you can get discounts at great places all around town including some of my favorites: Collected Thread, Irma's Burgers, Cuppies and Joe, Sushi Neko, and more!

I know you want one now, go ou get one at www.keepitlocalok.com.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Living Green

On the way to pick up my Sushi tonight I was listening to NPR (yeah...yuppi, I know). TheStory.org was on, and they were interviewing a man who does green building. I was so interested in it that I wanted to come home and blog about it. But I am ridiculously terrible at remembering things, so I would recommend that you take a listen www.thestory.org.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

For When You Need a Brain Break

This is a fun little quiz you can take to give your brain a break from the madness of life during your day.

My design style is apparently Old Money Extravagance. Yeah, that's right. I always knew I was should have been royalty. :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Product

So, I was at Bed Bath and Beyond tonight, and I remembered that we needed laundry detergent. BB&B didn't really have a lot of options, but I did find this little guy:

I don't absolutely love the smell (but there was also an unscented and peony scent that might be good), but what I do LOVE is that it's super concentrated and has a pump bottle. You can't tell from this pic that I jacked from the internet, but it's actually a pretty small container, about the size of a hand soap container. Four pumps for a large load, and no more gooey detergent caps running down the side of the container. 

I think it would be a wonderful gift for high school graduate-- give them an embroidered towl, a bag of quarters and this pump detergent. Fun!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And it all Came Crashing Down

Literally. As I sat in my parents car (borrowed because mine doesn’t have heat at the moment) in Monday morning go to Walgreens to get flu medicine for Ryan, my wooden garage door split at the windows, and in result rained shards of glass all over the car. Awesome. Note: Ryan ran and checked to make sure Pete was okay and hadn’t gotten hurt, not me. Yeah, I know where I stand.
Anyway, so poor, sickly Ryan and I spent our MLK day off shopping for new garage doors. Which is not how I envisioned my Monday Funday, but I suppose I do feel lucky that it happened on a day that Ryan was at home with me, otherwise I would have been stuck in the garage and wouldn’t know what to do. And I’m thankful I was inside the car, and not outside getting a glass shower.

Anyway, I chose a garage door design that I’ve seen that I like a lot, but they didn’t have a color that I liked to go with our house at the moment, so we went ahead and got white so they would be easy to paint. Now I need some help—we decided to paint our house this summer while Ryan is off for school, but I’m terrible at choosing colors.

This is our house:
This is color is what I’m thinking, a warm grey with a slight green tint and white accents:
These are some other houses I like:
Do y’all think the greenish grey would look good? Or do you think it would make our house look cold? What color do you think we should do accents? Do I need to change the red door color?? So many things to think about, I’m stressed.

So, in conclusion, we have decided that the month of January hates the Fairs. All the crappy things happen in January for us. And the feeling is rather mutual at the moment.

But, so I end on a more pleasant note, here is some house eye candy that I have saved over the years.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


One of my girlfriends from college posted this video on her blog, and it really touched me. And by touched me, I mean tears streaming down my face.

I had never seen Kelle Hampton's blog before (and I thought I cried hard during the video, it was nothing compared to her birth story). I think one of the reasons why her video and story was so powerful is that she was so raw and honest about her feelings when she first found out she had a daughter with down-syndrome. I feel like she said the things that most parents actually feel, but is hard to admit out loud. Even to yourself, let alone in front of other people, putting it out there for anyone to hear. That's scary. 

But also so freeing. I can imagine how relieved someone else feeling the same things might feel to see someone, who obviously is head over heels in love with her daughter, had some of the same disappointment and embarrassment that they might have felt. But also se how in so many ways her daughter is to be celebrated for her differences. So full of life, and so full of love. 

She has started a ONEder fund to " spread awareness and create more opportunities for the world to understand that we are more alike than different." I encourage you to not eat lunch out one day next week, and donate.

Space Man Stew

Ok, a little part of my inside hurts sharing something that was produced by McDonalds...but have you seen the space man stew commercial??

I LOVE the illustration in it. I was trying to figure out who Illustrated it, and I couldn't really. But I love that style of illustration. In college I look some illustration classes with my graphic design major. I actually really enjoyed it, and most of my work in college was much more illustrative than photographic. Which is kind of ironic. 

Anyway, one of the things on my 'bucket list' is to illustrate a children's story. Maybe someday when I have kids I can do that for them. 

Now I want some french fries.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The evolution of our House: The Dining Room

I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned it before, but I love houses. It would really surprise me if I hadn't. Even though we already bought a house almost 2 years ago, I still look at listings on zillow. I dream of having a home with oceans of natural light and interesting architecture that allows me to have a whole wall of book shelves with a rolling ladder, and I would sing and roll around on it like Belle.

I'm a first impression girl. For sure. I believe that 90% of the time the first impression you make is the one that sticks with a person. Which is rather unfortunate for me since I'm bit of an awkward muffin. But my first impression of our house was dark and dreary-- the fellow who owned it before us loved black. His bedroom had black furniture, black bedspread, black sheets, even black curtains.

So I think I've been stuck in the mindset that our house is dark and dreary always. And I hope this doesn't sound like I am being unthankful for the wonderful provision that we have been blessed with. I love my home because it is sturdy, and it is solid, and it provides us with room to stretch our legs, and it has a great layout for having people over (probably my most favorite thing is how well it lends to parties), and it is in a, what I think, is a gem of a neighborhood tucked away where most people don't just drive by. and I love that we have a great backyard for Pete to play in. And, especially lately, I feel so blessed to have a warm place to stay. I know not all people have that. There are so many things I am thankful for. But I wouldn't necessarily say the style of my house is my taste. But we are working on it.

But I believe I had my first breakthrough with our abode last week. I bought some flowers from the local flower store, stuck them on the table, and thought to myself..."Hmmm, I think I really like this room. I think this room and I could be friends."

So this is how the previous owner had it:

And here it is with a womanly touch:

It was definitely a work in progress. Mainly because I'm cheap. Most everything was bought on major sale or craigslist. I'm still looking for a rug, but man, those sure are expensive! But overall I'm happy with it, except I don't know what to do in the bay window. Any suggestions?? (I know, I'm never pleased...)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

2010 in iPhone Photos

So I mentioned before that one of my 2011 New Year Promises is to take more everyday photos. Well, my phone has been the place that I've been taking my everyday photos. So, it was the best way for me to sum up 2010!! (In no particular order)
Ryan Got wranglers :)
"Santa" made a visit on Christmas Eve.

The leaves...the day after we raked the first time.
Visiting Amy in Minesota.

On the roof of the Cox Center. Terrifying.

Devon Tower being built.
The Darrough's visit.
Cami breaks down, the boys fix her.
Beckett helps :)

Aaron eats tiny ice cream.
Our first win at Lost Ogle Trivia!
Mel comes home :)
Office party at Orange Leaf.
Taking care of the Hall chickens.

We get the photobooth in. Big umbrellas.
We teach Pete to drink out of a straw...
We go to Kamps 100th birthday party.
Favorite Co-op pick up. Peaches!
Boone comes to visit
Lori comes to visit. For the New Moon showing. 
Krissy's birthday party.
The appletons help us move furniture.
Mom's birthday dinner at flips.
The little old couple in the movie the day before Thanksgiving. We decided that would be our new tradition into our old age :)
Lunch and a play with the Fair women.
Megan comes to visit!
San Francisco trolly car ride.
Ryan's first year teaching!!
Sus visits.
Boone visits!
I hit a car :(
Flaming Lips private concert.
Boone! We really like him.

Anniversary ice cream.
Greys season finale.
New door!
April hail storm.

Birthday dinner and Pete surprises me in the parking garage!

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa in Illinois. 

Easter Chat with Lori.
Aaron's curling birthday party.
I meet the cat with thumbs.
44 bags of leaves. ugh.
February snow storm.
Pete's cone. He broke it, fixed with duck tape.

trip to Denver.
My birthday peonies :)
Pete watching for ducks.
US conference of Mayors. Sweet friends eat in my office because I was too busy to leave it. For days.

Kate visits :)

A full, fun iPhone year :) Now I'm watching the old True Grit. We saw the new one this weekend, it was excellent. xoely