Friday, July 30, 2010

3rd Year of Marriage

It's not our anniversary, don't worry. But like most things, the Fair's are a little slow. The Fairs, meaning the Mr & Mrs. Ryan Fair household. We always have to pay extra dollars on the Redbox. When we really make an effort to go someplace early, it usually means we get there right on time. We have had the city called about our lawn being too long...speaking of which....

Our hands down favorite shot from our wedding is this one:
I know the jumping pictures are old and overdone, but I LOVE THEM. This picture makes me chuckle every time I look at it. Like, what the heck is Lindsay next to me doing with her arm? Am I even off the ground (the dress was heavy, guys)? Sister Amy totally is covering herself up. There's a mystery person behind James who was like, F this, I'm not jumping. Speaking of James there in the front, he's pissed because we took him out of the food line to take this picture. And Eric there on the end-- in the next two pictures, he just about 2 feet higher while everyone else is on their decent. I think he may be part gazelle. And really, my favorite is creepy 70's Aaron on the right side over there. I just love this picture.

Because of our affection for this photo, every year around our wedding anniversary, we try to take a jumping photo in Guthrie, where our reception was. We wanted to take Pete last year, but he was a puppy and Ryan took to heart very closely that we couldn't take him out until his puppy shots were complete, so we never got around to doing it. But this weekend we finally crammed Pete in the back of the Camero, and with him breathing in our ears the whole time, went and took our family jumping photo.

Sorry to be showy, next year I'll wear pants. xoely

1 comment:

  1. Yay! We did jump pictures at my wedding, too. Those are the best.

    Happy Anniversary!!
